global attributes. * @since 6.3.0 Added `aria-controls`, `aria-current`, and `aria-expanded` attributes. * * @access private * @ignore * * @param array $value An array of attributes. * @return array The array of attributes with global attributes added. */ function _wp_add_global_attributes( $value ) { $global_attributes = array( 'aria-controls' => true, 'aria-current' => true, 'aria-describedby' => true, 'aria-details' => true, 'aria-expanded' => true, 'aria-label' => true, 'aria-labelledby' => true, 'aria-hidden' => true, 'class' => true, 'data-*' => true, 'dir' => true, 'id' => true, 'lang' => true, 'style' => true, 'title' => true, 'role' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ); if ( true === $value ) { $value = array(); } if ( is_array( $value ) ) { return array_merge( $value, $global_attributes ); } return $value; } /** * Helper function to check if this is a safe PDF URL. * * @since 5.9.0 * @access private * @ignore * * @param string $url The URL to check. * @return bool True if the URL is safe, false otherwise. */ function _wp_kses_allow_pdf_objects( $url ) { // We're not interested in URLs that contain query strings or fragments. if ( str_contains( $url, '?' ) || str_contains( $url, '#' ) ) { return false; } // If it doesn't have a PDF extension, it's not safe. if ( ! str_ends_with( $url, '.pdf' ) ) { return false; } // If the URL host matches the current site's media URL, it's safe. $upload_info = wp_upload_dir( null, false ); $parsed_url = wp_parse_url( $upload_info['url'] ); $upload_host = isset( $parsed_url['host'] ) ? $parsed_url['host'] : ''; $upload_port = isset( $parsed_url['port'] ) ? ':' . $parsed_url['port'] : ''; if ( str_starts_with( $url, "http://$upload_host$upload_port/" ) || str_starts_with( $url, "https://$upload_host$upload_port/" ) ) { return true; } return false; } tp_Encoding::should_decode( $processed_headers['headers'] ) ) { $processed_response['body'] = WP_Http_Encoding::decompress( $processed_response['body'] ); } if ( isset( $parsed_args['limit_response_size'] ) && strlen( $processed_response['body'] ) > $parsed_args['limit_response_size'] ) { $processed_response['body'] = substr( $processed_response['body'], 0, $parsed_args['limit_response_size'] ); } $response['body'] = $processed_response['body']; return $response; } /** * Verifies the received SSL certificate against its Common Names and subjectAltName fields. * * PHP's SSL verifications only verify that it's a valid Certificate, it doesn't verify if * the certificate is valid for the hostname which was requested. * This function verifies the requested hostname against certificate's subjectAltName field, * if that is empty, or contains no DNS entries, a fallback to the Common Name field is used. * * IP Address support is included if the request is being made to an IP address. * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param resource $stream The PHP Stream which the SSL request is being made over * @param string $host The hostname being requested * @return bool If the certificate presented in $stream is valid for $host */ public static function verify_ssl_certificate( $stream, $host ) { $context_options = stream_context_get_options( $stream ); if ( empty( $context_options['ssl']['peer_certificate'] ) ) { return false; } $cert = openssl_x509_parse( $context_options['ssl']['peer_certificate'] ); if ( ! $cert ) { return false; } /* * If the request is being made to an IP address, we'll validate against IP fields * in the cert (if they exist) */ $host_type = ( WP_Http::is_ip_address( $host ) ? 'ip' : 'dns' ); $certificate_hostnames = array(); if ( ! empty( $cert['extensions']['subjectAltName'] ) ) { $match_against = preg_split( '/,\s*/', $cert['extensions']['subjectAltName'] ); foreach ( $match_against as $match ) { list( $match_type, $match_host ) = explode( ':', $match ); if ( strtolower( trim( $match_type ) ) === $host_type ) { // IP: or DNS: $certificate_hostnames[] = strtolower( trim( $match_host ) ); } } } elseif ( ! empty( $cert['subject']['CN'] ) ) { // Only use the CN when the certificate includes no subjectAltName extension. $certificate_hostnames[] = strtolower( $cert['subject']['CN'] ); } // Exact hostname/IP matches. if ( in_array( strtolower( $host ), $certificate_hostnames, true ) ) { return true; } // IP's can't be wildcards, Stop processing. if ( 'ip' === $host_type ) { return false; } // Test to see if the domain is at least 2 deep for wildcard support. if ( substr_count( $host, '.' ) < 2 ) { return false; } // Wildcard subdomains certs (* are valid for but not $wildcard_host = preg_replace( '/^[^.]+\./', '*.', $host ); return in_array( strtolower( $wildcard_host ), $certificate_hostnames, true ); } /** * Determines whether this class can be used for retrieving a URL. * * @since 2.7.0 * @since 3.7.0 Combined with the fsockopen transport and switched to stream_socket_client(). * * @param array $args Optional. Array of request arguments. Default empty array. * @return bool False means this class can not be used, true means it can. */ public static function test( $args = array() ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'stream_socket_client' ) ) { return false; } $is_ssl = isset( $args['ssl'] ) && $args['ssl']; if ( $is_ssl ) { if ( ! extension_loaded( 'openssl' ) ) { return false; } if ( ! function_exists( 'openssl_x509_parse' ) ) { return false; } } /** * Filters whether streams can be used as a transport for retrieving a URL. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param bool $use_class Whether the class can be used. Default true. * @param array $args Request arguments. */ return apply_filters( 'use_streams_transport', true, $args ); } } /** * Deprecated HTTP Transport method which used fsockopen. * * This class is not used, and is included for backward compatibility only. * All code should make use of WP_Http directly through its API. * * @see WP_HTTP::request * * @since 2.7.0 * @deprecated 3.7.0 Please use WP_HTTP::request() directly */ class WP_HTTP_Fsockopen extends WP_Http_Streams { // For backward compatibility for users who are using the class directly. }