correspond to a WP_Post object, an associative array, or a numeric array, * respectively. Default OBJECT. * @param string|array $post_type Optional. Post type or array of post types. Default 'page'. * @return WP_Post|array|null WP_Post (or array) on success, or null on failure. */ function get_page_by_title( $page_title, $output = OBJECT, $post_type = 'page' ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.2.0', 'WP_Query' ); global $wpdb; if ( is_array( $post_type ) ) { $post_type = esc_sql( $post_type ); $post_type_in_string = "'" . implode( "','", $post_type ) . "'"; $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_title = %s AND post_type IN ($post_type_in_string)", $page_title ); } else { $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_title = %s AND post_type = %s", $page_title, $post_type ); } $page = $wpdb->get_var( $sql ); if ( $page ) { return get_post( $page, $output ); } return null; } /** * Returns the correct template for the site's home page. * * @access private * @since 6.0.0 * @deprecated 6.2.0 Site Editor's server-side redirect for missing postType and postId * query args is removed. Thus, this function is no longer used. * * @return array|null A template object, or null if none could be found. */ function _resolve_home_block_template() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.2.0' ); $show_on_front = get_option( 'show_on_front' ); $front_page_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); if ( 'page' === $show_on_front && $front_page_id ) { return array( 'postType' => 'page', 'postId' => $front_page_id, ); } $hierarchy = array( 'front-page', 'home', 'index' ); $template = resolve_block_template( 'home', $hierarchy, '' ); if ( ! $template ) { return null; } return array( 'postType' => 'wp_template', 'postId' => $template->id, ); } /** * Displays the link to the Windows Live Writer manifest file. * * @link * @since 2.3.1 * @deprecated 6.3.0 WLW manifest is no longer in use and no longer included in core, * so the output from this function is removed. */ function wlwmanifest_link() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); } /** * Queues comments for metadata lazy-loading. * * @since 4.5.0 * @deprecated 6.3.0 Use wp_lazyload_comment_meta() instead. * * @param WP_Comment[] $comments Array of comment objects. */ function wp_queue_comments_for_comment_meta_lazyload( $comments ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0', 'wp_lazyload_comment_meta()' ); // Don't use `wp_list_pluck()` to avoid by-reference manipulation. $comment_ids = array(); if ( is_array( $comments ) ) { foreach ( $comments as $comment ) { if ( $comment instanceof WP_Comment ) { $comment_ids[] = $comment->comment_ID; } } } wp_lazyload_comment_meta( $comment_ids ); } /** * Gets the default value to use for a `loading` attribute on an element. * * This function should only be called for a tag and context if lazy-loading is generally enabled. * * The function usually returns 'lazy', but uses certain heuristics to guess whether the current element is likely to * appear above the fold, in which case it returns a boolean `false`, which will lead to the `loading` attribute being * omitted on the element. The purpose of this refinement is to avoid lazy-loading elements that are within the initial * viewport, which can have a negative performance impact. * * Under the hood, the function uses {@see wp_increase_content_media_count()} every time it is called for an element * within the main content. If the element is the very first content element, the `loading` attribute will be omitted. * This default threshold of 3 content elements to omit the `loading` attribute for can be customized using the * {@see 'wp_omit_loading_attr_threshold'} filter. * * @since 5.9.0 * @deprecated 6.3.0 Use wp_get_loading_optimization_attributes() instead. * @see wp_get_loading_optimization_attributes() * * @global WP_Query $wp_query WordPress Query object. * * @param string $context Context for the element for which the `loading` attribute value is requested. * @return string|bool The default `loading` attribute value. Either 'lazy', 'eager', or a boolean `false`, to indicate * that the `loading` attribute should be skipped. */ function wp_get_loading_attr_default( $context ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0', 'wp_get_loading_optimization_attributes()' ); global $wp_query; // Skip lazy-loading for the overall block template, as it is handled more granularly. if ( 'template' === $context ) { return false; } /* * Do not lazy-load images in the header block template part, as they are likely above the fold. * For classic themes, this is handled in the condition below using the 'get_header' action. */ $header_area = WP_TEMPLATE_PART_AREA_HEADER; if ( "template_part_{$header_area}" === $context ) { return false; } // Special handling for programmatically created image tags. if ( 'the_post_thumbnail' === $context || 'wp_get_attachment_image' === $context ) { /* * Skip programmatically created images within post content as they need to be handled together with the other * images within the post content. * Without this clause, they would already be counted below which skews the number and can result in the first * post content image being lazy-loaded only because there are images elsewhere in the post content. */ if ( doing_filter( 'the_content' ) ) { return false; } // Conditionally skip lazy-loading on images before the loop. if ( // Only apply for main query but before the loop. $wp_query->before_loop && $wp_query->is_main_query() /* * Any image before the loop, but after the header has started should not be lazy-loaded, * except when the footer has already started which can happen when the current template * does not include any loop. */ && did_action( 'get_header' ) && ! did_action( 'get_footer' ) ) { return false; } } /* * The first elements in 'the_content' or 'the_post_thumbnail' should not be lazy-loaded, * as they are likely above the fold. */ if ( 'the_content' === $context || 'the_post_thumbnail' === $context ) { // Only elements within the main query loop have special handling. if ( is_admin() || ! in_the_loop() || ! is_main_query() ) { return 'lazy'; } // Increase the counter since this is a main query content element. $content_media_count = wp_increase_content_media_count(); // If the count so far is below the threshold, return `false` so that the `loading` attribute is omitted. if ( $content_media_count <= wp_omit_loading_attr_threshold() ) { return false; } // For elements after the threshold, lazy-load them as usual. return 'lazy'; } // Lazy-load by default for any unknown context. return 'lazy'; } /** * Adds `loading` attribute to an `img` HTML tag. * * @since 5.5.0 * @deprecated 6.3.0 Use wp_img_tag_add_loading_optimization_attrs() instead. * @see wp_img_tag_add_loading_optimization_attrs() * * @param string $image The HTML `img` tag where the attribute should be added. * @param string $context Additional context to pass to the filters. * @return string Converted `img` tag with `loading` attribute added. */ function wp_img_tag_add_loading_attr( $image, $context ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0', 'wp_img_tag_add_loading_optimization_attrs()' ); /* * Get loading attribute value to use. This must occur before the conditional check below so that even images that * are ineligible for being lazy-loaded are considered. */ $value = wp_get_loading_attr_default( $context ); // Images should have source and dimension attributes for the `loading` attribute to be added. if ( ! str_contains( $image, ' src="' ) || ! str_contains( $image, ' width="' ) || ! str_contains( $image, ' height="' ) ) { return $image; } /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */ $value = apply_filters( 'wp_img_tag_add_loading_attr', $value, $image, $context ); if ( $value ) { if ( ! in_array( $value, array( 'lazy', 'eager' ), true ) ) { $value = 'lazy'; } return str_replace( '= 0 && $n <= 1 ) { return $n; } } return 1; } /** * Rounds and converts values of an RGB object. * * Direct port of TinyColor's function, lightly simplified to maintain * consistency with TinyColor. * * @link * * @since 5.8.0 * @deprecated 6.3.0 * * @access private * * @param array $rgb_color RGB object. * @return array Rounded and converted RGB object. */ function wp_tinycolor_rgb_to_rgb( $rgb_color ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); return array( 'r' => wp_tinycolor_bound01( $rgb_color['r'], 255 ) * 255, 'g' => wp_tinycolor_bound01( $rgb_color['g'], 255 ) * 255, 'b' => wp_tinycolor_bound01( $rgb_color['b'], 255 ) * 255, ); } /** * Helper function for hsl to rgb conversion. * * Direct port of TinyColor's function, lightly simplified to maintain * consistency with TinyColor. * * @link * * @since 5.8.0 * @deprecated 6.3.0 * * @access private * * @param float $p first component. * @param float $q second component. * @param float $t third component. * @return float R, G, or B component. */ function wp_tinycolor_hue_to_rgb( $p, $q, $t ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); if ( $t < 0 ) { ++$t; } if ( $t > 1 ) { --$t; } if ( $t < 1 / 6 ) { return $p + ( $q - $p ) * 6 * $t; } if ( $t < 1 / 2 ) { return $q; } if ( $t < 2 / 3 ) { return $p + ( $q - $p ) * ( 2 / 3 - $t ) * 6; } return $p; } /** * Converts an HSL object to an RGB object with converted and rounded values. * * Direct port of TinyColor's function, lightly simplified to maintain * consistency with TinyColor. * * @link * * @since 5.8.0 * @deprecated 6.3.0 * * @access private * * @param array $hsl_color HSL object. * @return array Rounded and converted RGB object. */ function wp_tinycolor_hsl_to_rgb( $hsl_color ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); $h = wp_tinycolor_bound01( $hsl_color['h'], 360 ); $s = wp_tinycolor_bound01( $hsl_color['s'], 100 ); $l = wp_tinycolor_bound01( $hsl_color['l'], 100 ); if ( 0 === $s ) { // Achromatic. $r = $l; $g = $l; $b = $l; } else { $q = $l < 0.5 ? $l * ( 1 + $s ) : $l + $s - $l * $s; $p = 2 * $l - $q; $r = wp_tinycolor_hue_to_rgb( $p, $q, $h + 1 / 3 ); $g = wp_tinycolor_hue_to_rgb( $p, $q, $h ); $b = wp_tinycolor_hue_to_rgb( $p, $q, $h - 1 / 3 ); } return array( 'r' => $r * 255, 'g' => $g * 255, 'b' => $b * 255, ); } /** * Parses hex, hsl, and rgb CSS strings using the same regex as TinyColor v1.4.2 * used in the JavaScript. Only colors output from react-color are implemented. * * Direct port of TinyColor's function, lightly simplified to maintain * consistency with TinyColor. * * @link * @link * * @since 5.8.0 * @since 5.9.0 Added alpha processing. * @deprecated 6.3.0 * * @access private * * @param string $color_str CSS color string. * @return array RGB object. */ function wp_tinycolor_string_to_rgb( $color_str ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); $color_str = strtolower( trim( $color_str ) ); $css_integer = '[-\\+]?\\d+%?'; $css_number = '[-\\+]?\\d*\\.\\d+%?'; $css_unit = '(?:' . $css_number . ')|(?:' . $css_integer . ')'; $permissive_match3 = '[\\s|\\(]+(' . $css_unit . ')[,|\\s]+(' . $css_unit . ')[,|\\s]+(' . $css_unit . ')\\s*\\)?'; $permissive_match4 = '[\\s|\\(]+(' . $css_unit . ')[,|\\s]+(' . $css_unit . ')[,|\\s]+(' . $css_unit . ')[,|\\s]+(' . $css_unit . ')\\s*\\)?'; $rgb_regexp = '/^rgb' . $permissive_match3 . '$/'; if ( preg_match( $rgb_regexp, $color_str, $match ) ) { $rgb = wp_tinycolor_rgb_to_rgb( array( 'r' => $match[1], 'g' => $match[2], 'b' => $match[3], ) ); $rgb['a'] = 1; return $rgb; } $rgba_regexp = '/^rgba' . $permissive_match4 . '$/'; if ( preg_match( $rgba_regexp, $color_str, $match ) ) { $rgb = wp_tinycolor_rgb_to_rgb( array( 'r' => $match[1], 'g' => $match[2], 'b' => $match[3], ) ); $rgb['a'] = _wp_tinycolor_bound_alpha( $match[4] ); return $rgb; } $hsl_regexp = '/^hsl' . $permissive_match3 . '$/'; if ( preg_match( $hsl_regexp, $color_str, $match ) ) { $rgb = wp_tinycolor_hsl_to_rgb( array( 'h' => $match[1], 's' => $match[2], 'l' => $match[3], ) ); $rgb['a'] = 1; return $rgb; } $hsla_regexp = '/^hsla' . $permissive_match4 . '$/'; if ( preg_match( $hsla_regexp, $color_str, $match ) ) { $rgb = wp_tinycolor_hsl_to_rgb( array( 'h' => $match[1], 's' => $match[2], 'l' => $match[3], ) ); $rgb['a'] = _wp_tinycolor_bound_alpha( $match[4] ); return $rgb; } $hex8_regexp = '/^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/'; if ( preg_match( $hex8_regexp, $color_str, $match ) ) { $rgb = wp_tinycolor_rgb_to_rgb( array( 'r' => base_convert( $match[1], 16, 10 ), 'g' => base_convert( $match[2], 16, 10 ), 'b' => base_convert( $match[3], 16, 10 ), ) ); $rgb['a'] = _wp_tinycolor_bound_alpha( base_convert( $match[4], 16, 10 ) / 255 ); return $rgb; } $hex6_regexp = '/^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/'; if ( preg_match( $hex6_regexp, $color_str, $match ) ) { $rgb = wp_tinycolor_rgb_to_rgb( array( 'r' => base_convert( $match[1], 16, 10 ), 'g' => base_convert( $match[2], 16, 10 ), 'b' => base_convert( $match[3], 16, 10 ), ) ); $rgb['a'] = 1; return $rgb; } $hex4_regexp = '/^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/'; if ( preg_match( $hex4_regexp, $color_str, $match ) ) { $rgb = wp_tinycolor_rgb_to_rgb( array( 'r' => base_convert( $match[1] . $match[1], 16, 10 ), 'g' => base_convert( $match[2] . $match[2], 16, 10 ), 'b' => base_convert( $match[3] . $match[3], 16, 10 ), ) ); $rgb['a'] = _wp_tinycolor_bound_alpha( base_convert( $match[4] . $match[4], 16, 10 ) / 255 ); return $rgb; } $hex3_regexp = '/^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/'; if ( preg_match( $hex3_regexp, $color_str, $match ) ) { $rgb = wp_tinycolor_rgb_to_rgb( array( 'r' => base_convert( $match[1] . $match[1], 16, 10 ), 'g' => base_convert( $match[2] . $match[2], 16, 10 ), 'b' => base_convert( $match[3] . $match[3], 16, 10 ), ) ); $rgb['a'] = 1; return $rgb; } /* * The JS color picker considers the string "transparent" to be a hex value, * so we need to handle it here as a special case. */ if ( 'transparent' === $color_str ) { return array( 'r' => 0, 'g' => 0, 'b' => 0, 'a' => 0, ); } } /** * Returns the prefixed id for the duotone filter for use as a CSS id. * * @since 5.9.1 * @deprecated 6.3.0 * * @access private * * @param array $preset Duotone preset value as seen in theme.json. * @return string Duotone filter CSS id. */ function wp_get_duotone_filter_id( $preset ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); return WP_Duotone::get_filter_id_from_preset( $preset ); } /** * Returns the CSS filter property url to reference the rendered SVG. * * @since 5.9.0 * @since 6.1.0 Allow unset for preset colors. * @deprecated 6.3.0 * * @access private * * @param array $preset Duotone preset value as seen in theme.json. * @return string Duotone CSS filter property url value. */ function wp_get_duotone_filter_property( $preset ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); return WP_Duotone::get_filter_css_property_value_from_preset( $preset ); } /** * Returns the duotone filter SVG string for the preset. * * @since 5.9.1 * @deprecated 6.3.0 * * @access private * * @param array $preset Duotone preset value as seen in theme.json. * @return string Duotone SVG filter. */ function wp_get_duotone_filter_svg( $preset ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); return WP_Duotone::get_filter_svg_from_preset( $preset ); } /** * Registers the style and colors block attributes for block types that support it. * * @since 5.8.0 * @deprecated 6.3.0 Use WP_Duotone::register_duotone_support() instead. * * @access private * * @param WP_Block_Type $block_type Block Type. */ function wp_register_duotone_support( $block_type ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0', 'WP_Duotone::register_duotone_support()' ); return WP_Duotone::register_duotone_support( $block_type ); } /** * Renders out the duotone stylesheet and SVG. * * @since 5.8.0 * @since 6.1.0 Allow unset for preset colors. * @deprecated 6.3.0 Use WP_Duotone::render_duotone_support() instead. * * @access private * * @param string $block_content Rendered block content. * @param array $block Block object. * @return string Filtered block content. */ function wp_render_duotone_support( $block_content, $block ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0', 'WP_Duotone::render_duotone_support()' ); $wp_block = new WP_Block( $block ); return WP_Duotone::render_duotone_support( $block_content, $block, $wp_block ); } /** * Returns a string containing the SVGs to be referenced as filters (duotone). * * @since 5.9.1 * @deprecated 6.3.0 SVG generation is handled on a per-block basis in block supports. * * @return string */ function wp_get_global_styles_svg_filters() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); /* * Ignore cache when the development mode is set to 'theme', so it doesn't interfere with the theme * developer's workflow. */ $can_use_cached = ! wp_is_development_mode( 'theme' ); $cache_group = 'theme_json'; $cache_key = 'wp_get_global_styles_svg_filters'; if ( $can_use_cached ) { $cached = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group ); if ( $cached ) { return $cached; } } $supports_theme_json = wp_theme_has_theme_json(); $origins = array( 'default', 'theme', 'custom' ); if ( ! $supports_theme_json ) { $origins = array( 'default' ); } $tree = WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_merged_data(); $svgs = $tree->get_svg_filters( $origins ); if ( $can_use_cached ) { wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $svgs, $cache_group ); } return $svgs; } /** * Renders the SVG filters supplied by theme.json. * * Note that this doesn't render the per-block user-defined * filters which are handled by wp_render_duotone_support, * but it should be rendered before the filtered content * in the body to satisfy Safari's rendering quirks. * * @since 5.9.1 * @deprecated 6.3.0 SVG generation is handled on a per-block basis in block supports. */ function wp_global_styles_render_svg_filters() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); /* * When calling via the in_admin_header action, we only want to render the * SVGs on block editor pages. */ if ( is_admin() && ! get_current_screen()->is_block_editor() ) { return; } $filters = wp_get_global_styles_svg_filters(); if ( ! empty( $filters ) ) { echo $filters; } } /** * Build an array with CSS classes and inline styles defining the colors * which will be applied to the navigation markup in the front-end. * * @since 5.9.0 * @deprecated 6.3.0 This was removed from the Navigation Submenu block in favour of `wp_apply_colors_support()`. * `wp_apply_colors_support()` returns an array with similar class and style values, * but with different keys: `class` and `style`. * * @param array $context Navigation block context. * @param array $attributes Block attributes. * @param bool $is_sub_menu Whether the block is a sub-menu. * @return array Colors CSS classes and inline styles. */ function block_core_navigation_submenu_build_css_colors( $context, $attributes, $is_sub_menu = false ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' ); $colors = array( 'css_classes' => array(), 'inline_styles' => '', ); // Text color. $named_text_color = null; $custom_text_color = null; if ( $is_sub_menu && array_key_exists( 'customOverlayTextColor', $context ) ) { $custom_text_color = $context['customOverlayTextColor']; } elseif ( $is_sub_menu && array_key_exists( 'overlayTextColor', $context ) ) { $named_text_color = $context['overlayTextColor']; } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'customTextColor', $context ) ) { $custom_text_color = $context['customTextColor']; } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'textColor', $context ) ) { $named_text_color = $context['textColor']; } elseif ( isset( $context['style']['color']['text'] ) ) { $custom_text_color = $context['style']['color']['text']; } // If has text color. if ( ! is_null( $named_text_color ) ) { // Add the color class. array_push( $colors['css_classes'], 'has-text-color', sprintf( 'has-%s-color', $named_text_color ) ); } elseif ( ! is_null( $custom_text_color ) ) { // Add the custom color inline style. $colors['css_classes'][] = 'has-text-color'; $colors['inline_styles'] .= sprintf( 'color: %s;', $custom_text_color ); } // Background color. $named_background_color = null; $custom_background_color = null; if ( $is_sub_menu && array_key_exists( 'customOverlayBackgroundColor', $context ) ) { $custom_background_color = $context['customOverlayBackgroundColor']; } elseif ( $is_sub_menu && array_key_exists( 'overlayBackgroundColor', $context ) ) { $named_background_color = $context['overlayBackgroundColor']; } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'customBackgroundColor', $context ) ) { $custom_background_color = $context['customBackgroundColor']; } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'backgroundColor', $context ) ) { $named_background_color = $context['backgroundColor']; } elseif ( isset( $context['style']['color']['background'] ) ) { $custom_background_color = $context['style']['color']['background']; } // If has background color. if ( ! is_null( $named_background_color ) ) { // Add the background-color class. array_push( $colors['css_classes'], 'has-background', sprintf( 'has-%s-background-color', $named_background_color ) ); } elseif ( ! is_null( $custom_background_color ) ) { // Add the custom background-color inline style. $colors['css_classes'][] = 'has-background'; $colors['inline_styles'] .= sprintf( 'background-color: %s;', $custom_background_color ); } return $colors; } xcerpt or empty string. */ protected function prepare_excerpt_response( $excerpt, $post ) { /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post-template.php */ $excerpt = apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', $excerpt, $post ); if ( empty( $excerpt ) ) { return ''; } return $excerpt; } }